Cleanscape GUI installation instructions on Unix/Linux/Mac 9-May-24 If you are downloading Fortran-lint, note that the distrubution unpacks the DEMO version of the product. If you have acquired Fortran-lint, you will need to convert from the demo version to the full version; see Appendix D. These instructions are not applicable to Windows installation; simply use the installer instead. If you have any questions or issues, email ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the installation instructions for UNIX/Linux GUI versions of Cleanscape Fortran-lint (Flint), Lint-Plus (Lplus), and C++lint. 0. If you are upgrading, it is STRONGLY recommended you back up your existing installation, either by tar czvf or simply renaming your installation directory (e.g., mv flint flint.bak). 1. Download the appropriate tarball as specified in your email from Cleanscape. After downloading the appropriate tarball, move it to the "/tmp" directory on the target system. 2. Log-in as "root" on the target system. Note: "root" privileges are recommended, but are not required. 3. Create a directory to hold Cleanscape applications, for example, mkdir -p /usr/local/cleanscape IRIX NOTE: You MUST specify the installation directory in environment variable CSIAPPBASE. Using the above directory as an ex- ample (and using a bash shell): export CSIAPPBASE=/usr/local/cleanscape 4. Go to the new directory. Unpack the tarball using these commands: gunzip /tmp/gui-.taz tar xvfp /tmp/gui-.tar 5. Set the PATH. Edit your "login" scripts (and the "login" scripts for any other users who will be running C++lint. Add the new program directory from step 3 to the current PATH. For example: "sh" users -------------------------------------------- export PATH=/usr/local/cleanscape:$PATH "csh" users -------------------------------------------- set path = ( /usr/local/cleanscape $path ) rehash 6. Start the GUI. You should now be able to run the GUI. To do so, execute one of the following commands: For Flint - flintgui & For Lplus - lplusgui & For C++lint - cpplintgui & NOTE: There is a separate demo version of Flint as of version 6.02. NO registration is required; you may simply being using the demo. As of the date of this writing, Linux and Mac are at v. 6.02. If you are on these hosts, read Appendix D, then resume at Step 8. 7. For all other hosts, the first time you run the GUI, a registration prompt will be displayed. You must "register" the program before you can use it, and you must install the key and start a license daemon. *** For details on the registration procedure, see Appendix R below *** 8. User Documentation. For more information on the GUI itself, see the GUI "quick-start" guide. To access the guide, go to the directory created in step 3, then go to the following subdirectory: gui.dir/doc The GUI "quickstart" guide is provided in PDF format, and is named is named "flintguide.pdf" (Flint), "lplusgui.pdf" (Lplus), or "cpplint_guide.pdf" (C++lint). Command line user manuals are also present in this directory, as are the license agreement and the services document. 9. Command line version. The GUI package contains a command line version as well, suitable for inclusion in builds or batch modes of operation. To run it, set the following environment variables and add it/them to PATH. The following examples assume bash and the /usr/local/cleanscape as the installation directory: flint: export FLINTHOME=/usr/local/cleanscape/flintgui.dir/main lplus: export CSIHOME=/usr/local/cleanscape/lplusgui.dir/main cpplint: export IPTLINT=/usr/local/cleanscape/cpplintgui.dir/main export PATH=$:$PATH If you have floating licenses, you must identify the license server to the client: export FLINTHOST= This is not required on the license server nor for node-locked licenses. For more information on the command-line version, see the accompanying reference manaul located in the "doc" subdirectory mentioned above. The PDF versions are named "flintman.pdf" (Flint), "lplusman.pdf" (Lplus), or "pc-lint.pdf" (C++lint). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX D - CONVERTING FROM DEMO TO FULL VERSION OF FLINT Once you have decided to acquire Flint (thanks!), you need to convert the program from demo mode to full operation. To do so, as root run the script ConvertToFull located in your installation directory. This will copy the correct Flint binary, and remind you to read the license agreement. Until this step, Flint does not have the ability to register the product. After running ConvertToFull, you can proceed with the registration process outlined in Appendix R next. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX R - REGISTERING THE PRODUCTS. If you purchased your Cleanscape product as floating license(s), you will need to install at least the command line version on your license server. You will then identify this server to the client machines by placing its hostname in environment variable FLINTHOST on each client; see Section 9 above. You register your Cleanscape product through the command line. After setting environment variables as described in Section 9, log in as root on the machine with the hostname stored in $FLINTHOST and run one of the following commands: Flint: flint activate C++lint: cpplint -license=activate Lplus: lplus -license=activate Then, follow the onscreen instructions. Once complete, a script file "startup" is created in the "main" subdirectory; be sure to add it to your list of init scripts so the license manager is available whenever your license server restarts. Finally, if you're using floating licenses, copy file $FLINTHOME/07 from your license server to $FLINTHOME on each client.